Who is she?

She was made to walk on grass
She was made to move mountains
She was made to conquer battles
She was made to wish on a rainbow
She was made to see the beauty of life
She was made to appreciate art
She was made to shine like the stars
She was made to act like a lady
She was made to taste the wine
She was made to love truthfully
She was made to test the waters
She was made to reach the sky
She was made to defeat anger
She was made to spread joy
She was made to give hope
She was made to make others laugh
She was made to help humankind
She was made to embrace kindness
She was made to touch souls
She was made to praise God

For I am she and will always be

41 thoughts on “Who is she?

  1. Are you saying that you’re a female version of me? 😛 Wait, no, you’re not. I found one line off. No worries now. You’re still one of a kind.

      1. I think you’re a good person .. and if we can make a difference to somebody when we have the chance – that makes us better and feel better too.

    1. Thank you for the kind words Max. Like all of us, I only have one life to enjoy. There’s nothing left to do rather than live it to the fullest, conquer the challenges, learn from them and help other. As I work my way each day into being ‘she’ I would like to extend help in all possible ways 🙂

    1. Oh my! I feel so blessed and flattered at the same time dearest friend. 🙂 My heart is full of joy after reading this! I so happy to be a part of this wonderful and truly uplifting blog of yours!

      Truly, blogging has taken me to a wonderful journey and you are a big part of this! Again, thank you from the deepest of my soul 🙂

      1. Pleasure is mine indeed!
        You are a wonderful soul
        Full of Freshness of life
        Full of Hope and Love
        Full of Sincerity and Care !
        I am honored by your support for my blog and me.
        I am always waiting for your fresh posts my friend
        I hope you ‘ll stay supportive for my blog, I want to make it more and more beautiful with your so sweet help . Please allow me to post more from your cute thoughts and posts of all kinds:D

  2. Hi Joycelyn, I’m not really into poetry, but the verses sure look like a silhouette of something (a chess piece, perhaps?). Did you do it on purpose? Just curious. 🙂

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