My Mom and her sacrifices

943151_10200708453508128_628007276_nMy mothers name is Liberty, first thing that would come to my mind is the Statue of Liberty. True enough, she has always been. Standing tall no matter how heavy the wind is or how strong a storm builds. She has always been there for us, not only ups and downs but through twists and turns. There came a time when I thought the things she has said does not make sense. But at this age, I am beginning to see the light in her words and the real meaning behind them.

Most mothers sacrifice themselves in the hope of bringing up strong and good will minded children. Mom was never an exemption, I knew that at times she almost gave up on her own faith. But maybe seeing seven kids before her, she believes she just can’t give up. Her daily struggles when working with my Dad had been a challenge. Imagine sending us all to school and at the same time giving us shelter.

Now I can’t help but smile and cry a little. Have you hugged, kissed and thanked your Mom today? Go ahead, she deserves it BIG TIME.


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